1 Oct 2015

To remain or to leave the EU, which way should people vote?

With all the talk about renegotiation, reform, remaining in the EU or leaving it, some people think the whole Brexit issue is very complicated.

It isn't really. All you need is a view about what you want Britain's future to look like. Then you can make an informed decision about how to use your vote.

If you're unsure, the question below might help.

Your answer will enable you to identify your viewpoint and help you understand whether you should be voting to remain in the EU or voting to leave the EU, when the referendum is held.


Do you want Britain to run its own domestic affairs such as how we generate energy and dispose of waste, speak for itself on the world stage about international matters, make beneficial trade deals and treaties directly with other countries, influence regulations and standards being made by global bodies that affect businesses and consumers, and work together with other countries in matters of mutual interest on a case by case basis?


If your answer is yes, then you should vote to leave the EU.

The scenario above will only be possible if Britain leaves the EU. By remaining in the EU, whether as a full member or some kind of associate member, the EU will continue to control most or all of these matters. People from 27 other countries will be making and implementing decisions we must follow, even if they are unhelpful or damaging, and even if we oppose them in the council, commission or European Parliament.

'Reform' or 'renegotiation' will keep Britain in the EU. This is because it doesn't address the essential and all important core issue... namely, who should run Britain?

There is no other way to put this. Any campaigner or campaign group who claims to want to leave the EU but adds words such as 'unless there is reform' is lying. They are saying in reality they want to stay in the EU. Supporting them is to support continued EU membership.