The cold blooded murder of Jo Cox MP was as senseless as it was barbaric.
A woman in her prime has had her life snatched away by a maniac. A husband and two young children have had their family destroyed and their lives forever darkened by the actions of that man. My thoughts are with them as they try to come to terms with the huge loss they have suffered.
The murder investigation is ongoing, but there are some things we do know. We know that there is too much violence on our streets and too many people lose their lives at the hands of other people. We know that this murder will be given far more prominence than other equally terrible killings because of who Mrs Cox was. We know that initial reports of the circumstances of such heinous acts are often replaced later as facts become established and evidence is gathered, so jumping to conclusions isn't in anyone's interest.
Almost as sickening as the murder itself on Thursday, was witnessing the cynical, self serving self indulgence of some people who sought to make political capital out of Mrs Cox's death.
For people to use the murder as a weapon with which to bash a campaign they oppose (leave), claiming high profile people in that campaign have sought to make people feel rage and so cannot be surprised that this violent murder was the outcome, is disgusting and outrageous. Alex Massie and those cheap individuals who endorsed his now-removed article, are a disgrace.